Sunday, September 9, 2012

Playing Your Best

Playing good golf is a tough thing to do consistently.  Day in and day out the feel of the game changes and if you do not fully understand your swing you will struggle with how to play well day in and day out.  This leaves many players having streaky playing results. 

Over time I have realized that playing well has become easier over the years as I understand the golf swing more and more.  What the plane of the swing, alignment and grip have to do with outcome. 

The mental side of the game has also improved over the years with temper subsiding and leaving anger and frustration off the golf course.

I think for younger players to continue to develop they need to understand a few of these simple yet hard to master subjects.  Leave temper and frustration at home.  You will get better as a player, the more you play and the more you practice.  Learning to play one shot at a time and to not get disgusted with failures and poor results.  It is easier said than done being a player of the game for more than 25 years.

I will attempt to guide and assist young players in their games though this use of this blogg.

Happy golfing and we will talk soon.

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